We're very excited to announce the release of NCIS: The Official TV Soundtrack! It is officially available as of today. Featuring the Theme from NCIS by Numeriklab. Get your copy today at itunes or Amazon.com
I'm extremely happy to introduce my new project, "Nerd Revolt". It's why I've gone underground for the past 6 months or so, and it also introduces my new collaborator Catherine Jade. An extremely talented writer (check out our new blog: "dejaded"), musician, and DJ.
I've never had the opportunity to work with a fellow classically trained player/synthesist with such a similar background to my own. The musical bidirectional communication has been insane. It's been like working with my doppelgänger. Really eerie, but I'm luvin' the end results. Hope ya dig the new beats.
"After years of being angst-ridden hermits, m.0 and Catherine Jade met and started creating mad nuclear experiments in the studio. Through their “Therapy for Alienated Nerds and Aliens” group, they helped each other get past the negative forces in club-land to form an underground Nerd Revolt. They each took a solemn vow to overcome the jadedness of the scene and inspire others through their beats.
Both trained musicians, they each carry a unique style and sound, but more importantly they believe in bringing a positive vibe and energy to electronic music (which can also be witnessed on their blog at: www.dejaded.com). Their joint arsenal is a deadly one, consisting of 2 laptops with Ableton Live, hardware and software synths, plugins, MIDI controllers, and tons of sound-mangling weapons that threaten to crush your brain. They believe in creating “conscious shit for people who do shit” and hope to stir up a revolution of studio hermits across the land."
Workbench Creative is proud to present, BILLIONSNARES.COM. Billionsnares is a new "weblabel" comprised of NW artists promoting their new projects, albums, shows and artistic endeavors. New albums from Colt Vista, Contacts, Dime in Mind, and heedMattik are dropping late Feb/early March. Check billionsnares.com for more info. Jeah!!
We're excited to announce the digital release of Numeriklab Greatest Bits Volume 1. This album is a collection of 16 tracks produced by Numeriklab between 2003-2005. Many of the tracks were featured on NCIS and are currently in rotation in the player. You can download the entire album or individual mp3's from iTunes, Amazon.com, Shockhound.com, and Lala.com. Stay tuned for Volume 2 which will feature tracks from 2006-2007.